Greetings everyone. I have been out of town for the past two weeks working with Shoulder to Shoulder (Hombro a Hombro), a non-profit NGO that is dedicated to helping the poor in rural Honduras. Hombro a Hombro represents a collaboration between several academic programs in the US and University of Cincinnati College of Medicine, the City of Cincinnati, the Ministry of Health of Honduras, and the Community Health Board in Santa Lucia, Intibuca. Through the dedication of these organizations, volunteers, and generous donations Hombro a Hombro has been able to build and staff several medical facilities and offer many services to various communities in the Intibuca department of Honduras including the following:
- Two Honbro a Honbro Medical Centers In Santa Lucia and Concepcion
- Medical Facilities staffed and supplied by StoS / HaH. These are staffed by Honduran health care providers and offer non emergency primary care in locations closer to where people live.
- San Jose, Santa Lucia
- Santa Rita, Santa Lucia
- San Antonio, San Antonio
- San Juan, San Antonio
- Santa Teresa, San Antonio
- Magdalena
- Dormitory
- Oral Health Program
- Nutrition Program
- Water
- Education
- Women's Health
- Medical Information System
- Brigades
I returned from my adventures with Shoulder to Shoulder late Saturday night. Because of the limited internet availability I was not able to download and post photos and updates to my blog. While I was in Honduras I kept a journal and am now excited to share my experience with you all. My plan is to post my daily journal entries over the next two weeks. Shoulder to Shoulder is an amazing organization that does incredible work and has made a huge impact on the health care provided in the surrounding communities and in turn the quality of life of the local people. It will be difficult to put into words all that I experienced and learned over the course of my two weeks with Hombro a Hombro but I will try. Mostly I am grateful for the opportunity to join the brigade and meet many inspiring people along the way. If you have time following along for the next few days, share your thoughts, and visit the Shoulder to Shoulder website.
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