You know you are in good hands when a farmer calls his hens by name. The man and I have been buying eggs and vegetables from Sleepy Hollow Farm for about a year now. I don't think I will ever be able to go back to grocery store eggs again. As a consumer it is important to me to know that people take pride in the products that they sell, that someone puts their name on it and believes in what they do. When you visit a small farm that is what you get, people who love their animals and care about the food they are selling you. When I visit Joan and Mike, owners of Sleepy Hollow Farm, they talk to me, answer my questions, teach me about gardening, and let me visit the ladies (the chickens). Their garden is immaculate and their birds are beautiful. This trip I came home with 3 dozen brown eggs, spinach, lettuce mix, radishes, and tomato, squash, and zucchini plants for my garden. It was most excellent. If you are around Bryson City, NC stop by their farm, visit their ladies, pick some veggies with them, and leave knowing that the food that you are your family will be eating is healthy and was grown with pride. They will also be at the Bryson City Farmer's Market on Friday mornings throughout the summer.

To see more pictures of my visit to Sleepy Hollow Farm visit my photo album.
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